When it comes to creativity, Kay K (Kay Kathryn) Robinson gives the word her own meaning. With every project the multi-media artist takes on, she shakes things up by processing all of the pieces in such surprising ways that she produces works of art that inspire appreciation, surprise and always puts a smile on your face.
    During her career that started in the early 1990s, the ever-evolving artist has created mosaic and glass artwork, painted, sculpted and handcrafted ceramics and furniture, as well as done printmaking. Dedicated to craftsmanship and employing a keen eye for the use of color, Kay K creates memorable artwork that has attracted the attention of collectors throughout the United States.

Multi-Media Inspiration

    With every project she creates, Kay K shows her knack as a true visionary. "Kay K is inspired by process and determining how the tools in her repertoire—be it plaster, mosaic, paint, beads or wood—can be used in the most interesting ways," says artist, teacher and longtime friend Anne Keith. "That inspiration leads her to create totally unexpected multi-media works of art."
    Viewers drawn into the web that is Kay K's work often find themselves gazing through a looking glass of sorts. "Kay K's art pulls you in with its whimsy," says Keith. "It's bright, fanciful and fun."
    Her playfulness shines through in her work, agrees artist Katherine England, who along with Kay K donates her time and art to the All the Arts for All the Kids Foundation, an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to providing all children in the Fullerton School District with an art education.

Art for nonprofits

    For All the Arts for All the Kids Foundation, Kay K puts her heart into her art—literally and figuratively. Since 2011, she has volunteered to make giant mosaic hearts that are left on display in Fullerton and then auctioned off to raise money for the cause. She also donates her time to other Southern California schools, including Fairmont Private School, where she recently finished a stepping stone project.
    "What's extraordinary about Kay K is her absolute fearlessness, which is a sign of a true artist," says England, who also teaches art. "She keeps building on her work and constantly upping her game and stretching, which makes her 150 percent brave with her art—and that translates into being powerfully creative. She took her recent mosaic heart to a level that none of the other artists thought of before."
    Fellow artist Terri Craig agrees about Kay K's penchant for gutsy experimentation. "Kay K never works in just one media, isn't afraid to make mistakes, and she doesn't follow the mainstream. Because of that, her art is always unexpected, intricate and never static. It shows a lot of life and movement."

Artistic Beginnings

    Born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Kay K comes from an artistic family. She spent her childhood years making art out of anything and everything that she gathered and spoke to her. Projects for school, while they fulfilled their intentions, also turned into works of art by her hand.
    At the age of 7, Kay K entered a contest in the local newspaper during the holidays that required she make a Christmas tree. She decided to create the tree using glass from broken 7-Up bottles that her mother helped her crush (a precursor to her present-day mosaic work). Kay K ended up winning the grand prize for her entry, which was an all-expenses paid trip to Disneyworld for four, and her award-winning entry was sent to Russia on a children's art exchange.
    Always trying new techniques, Kay K's latest medium is wearable art. Over the last five years, she's also made costumes, so creating artwork that you wear is a natural progression that allows her to take advantage of the many art mediums that she's mastered during her eventful career.